Category: In Store
Retailers use new tech to track you in stores – and in dressing rooms
Prism’s analytics and insights in action
Digital Shopping Experience
26 cas d’implantation d’iBeacon, en France et à l’étranger
26 cas d’implantation d’iBeacon, en France et à l’étranger
Eliminate Food Packaging in grocery store
A new grocery store in Germany will operate without food packaging that later turns into garbage.
Original Unverpackt – Der neue Supermarkt – Crowdfunding Trailer from Original Unverpackt on Vimeo.
Customer Experience Management and digital Retail : Indochino Case study
Pizza Hut + Chaotic Moon Studios Interactive Concept Table
With the help of our friends at Chaotic Moon Studios, we’re taking a look at an interactive concept table that could be the future of the Pizza Hut dine-in ordering experience. Check it out.
MegaNews – Adapt or die
MakrShakr: what could you make with the power of three robots in your pocket?
A robotic bar offering the crowd a taste of third industrial revolution!
Makr Shakr is a robotic bar, able to prepare approximately one googol drink combinations based on crowd input. People will be able to design their own drinks learning from the recipes of others, and leaving tips for the next designer, through their handheld devices. The digital design system can also monitor the individual’s alcohol consumption, promoting responsible drinking. Makr Shakr aims to show the “Third Industrial Revolution” paradigm through the simple process design-make-enjoy, and in just the time needed to prepare a new cocktail.
The project will preview during Milan Design Week (April 9-14th) before being unveiled in its final configuration at Google I/O in San Francisco on May 15th, 2013.